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Asia-Pacific Focused Cyber Threat Intelligence

Are you aware of the cyber events in APAC?

GreyInt augments the capabilities of organizations that already subscribe to global cyber threat intelligence services but require nuanced understanding specific to Southeast Asia.


About GreyInt

GreyInt is a Singapore-based cyber threat intelligence startup company founded in 2016 that aims to provide clients with a comprehensive view of the cyber threat activities in Asia-Pacific


GreyInt’s Mission

To provide clients an enhanced visibility to the cyber threat landscape in Asia-Pacific by providing situational awareness through threat alerts and actionable reports derived from open source intelligence (OSINT), deep web intelligence, social media intelligence, (SOCMINT) and cyber human intelligence (Cuber-HUMINT) .


The Current Challenge

Ever since the exposure of APT1 by Mandiant in 2004, companies and organizations have started to realize the importance of having cyber threat intelligence services to enhance the maturity of their cybersecurity framework. Since then, many companies have started to offer solutions and products within this area covering various threat actors and their activities worldwide providing organizations the visibility they need to ensure they have the adequate protection against these threats.

After attending several conferences and intelligence sharing sessions, a number of representatives from mature organizations in various critical information infrastructure sectors observed a lack of coverage on the Asia-Pacific region especially in South East Asia. While these organizations subscribed to premium threat intelligence vendors, the coverage of cyber threat activities are mainly on Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and India.

This lack of coverage on Asia-Pacific has inspired the establishment of GreyInt to complement existing solutions with better visibility on this region especially in the field of hacktivism and cybercriminal activities.


Our Subscribers received

India-Based Hackers Deploy Ransomware on Pakistani Websites
AVE MARIA Infostealer Campaign Expands Targeting to India
Open Directories in Pakistan Educational Institutions Allowed Access to Thousands of Personal Details
Myanmar Hacktivists Continue Targeting Bangladesh; Gained Access to its Military Website
Myanmar Government Targeted in Retaliation to Operation Bangladesh
Vietnamese Education Website Enforced Visitors to Download Malware via Fake Browser Update
New Domains Possibly Attributed to Vietnam-based group OceanLotus Identified
Thailand Government Domains Possibly Compromised to Host Emotet Malware
Thailand Government Department of Corrections Sub-Domain Hosting Nymain Malware
Bangladesh Government Websites Among Others Targeted During #Op_Bangli
Databases of the Philippines Government, Universities and Military Exposed by Pinoy Lulzsec
Almost 60 Websites Hacked by Filipino Hacker on April’s Fool Day
Malaysian Government Targeted by Anti-Malaysian Hacker “RLX-06”
Usernames and Password Hashes Associated with Indonesian Government Websites Leaked in Closed Group
Indonesian Health Center Display Screen Hacked; Shows Support for Politician Prabowo Subianto
New Emotet Campaign Detected; Compromised Indonesian Government Website to Host its Malware
GandCrab Ransomware Targeting Chinese Government

Our APAC-focused alerts cover the following

Regional hacktivists campaigns

Data leaks and breaches

Cybercriminal Operations

APT threat indicators

The Greyint platform provides us with comprehensive intelligence coverage of threat actors and activities across APAC that other vendors were not able to provide.

Cybersecurity Analyst (Global Investment Bank)

The alerts are very useful as it focuses on the APAC region and the portal is also easy to use.

Threat Researcher (Military Department)

These alerts have been helpful to me in my work as Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst working for [redacted], specifically the ones referencing malware campaigns such as Ursnif, Emotet and AveMaria.

CTI Analyst (An American Bank)

GreyInt surfaces cyber issues and activities around the South East Asia region, which are both useful and insightful in understanding the current cyber landscape in the region.

Cyber Threat Analyst (Government Agency)

We had a trial with them for two weeks and immediately surprised at the APAC-focused reports they provided daily. Their coverage of APAC is way better than many of the well established vendors we subscribed to.

Head of APAC Threat Intel (Financial Institution)